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Founded By Cindy Canoot
"For the past 15 years, I have been specializing in the fascinating world of Human Resources, both in Compensation & Benefits (e.g. implementation of SAP Payroll, new Service Model, ...) – as in Talent management – (Performance - Succession - Learning - ... in which Continuous Learning has become my favourite domain)
4 passions drive me to always give the best of myself:
​1. HR is about the core of any business, small or large. After all, it is about the employees who have to deliver on the strategy. Therefore, continuous alignment between the company strategy and the HR strategy is crucial.
2. Optimizing the way things are done is never finished: by questioning why we do things and how we do it we can start looking for a way to improve it. Sometimes this means the implementation of new tools or new technologies, but sometimes also just by stopping certain things we do...
3. At least as important is to always guide the employees and the organization as a whole in every change you want to make. Especially now that the pace of successive changes is getting higher!
4. Constructive cooperation in the interest of the company and the employees and thus continuously learn and let others grow and coach in their career gives me the motivation to fight it every day!
I look forward to guiding your company in all your HR & Change projects!"
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